Tuesday, October 20, 2009

been busy

As you can tell by the heading, I've been a little busy lately. The wife and I went on a family vacation with her parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews (22 people in all) to Ocean Isle in NC. We all had a great time together and I think the kids had the best time of all. The weather was good for the most part, rainy for other parts, but it was a good time for all. We all got together on the beach and took a big family picture, and it looks awesome. Then... let me see, the wife and I were judges for a bake off for her schools Fall Fling event. Man I almost got sick on that, but I'm a trooper and I pulled through just fine. Lately we have been just doing the daily grind (work, dinner, fun, back to work). BUT!! the holidays are coming up and I know the wife is excited about putting up decorations for the various holidays and I'm ready for them.
Short report today, kinda busy, but maybe I can throw some stuff out there tomorrow.